The Foreign Agricultural Service Diversity Fellowship Program (FDFP) is a new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) program that identifies and prepares individuals interested in careers in USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service. Those who successfully complete the program enter into the FAS Foreign Service, a uniquely rewarding career of international service. The program encourages the application of members of minority groups historically underrepresented in USDA and those with financial need. It is open to students and alumni of all universities and with any major.  Based on the fundamental principle that diversity is a strength in U.S. engagement with the world, the program values candidates representing a wide range of backgrounds, including ethnic, racial, social, and geographic diversity.

The FAS Diversity Fellowship Program will provide graduate fellowships to qualified individuals who will attend two-year graduate programs in Agribusiness or Agricultural Economics at U.S. universities, provide two summer internships – one domestic and one overseas, and offer mentoring from a Foreign Service Officer, and provide professional development activities.  

The program ensures that the Foreign Service reflects the face of America to foreign audiences and provides a source of trained women and men who are dedicated to pursuing Foreign Service careers with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service.

Howard University administers the FAS Diversity Fellowship Program on behalf of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service.